Lunch and Learn

The Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta is dedicated to nurturing the professional development of our Child and Youth Care Counsellors.

We are delighted to present our Lunch and Learn program for May, June and July!

group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime

Summer Schedule

May 30, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Register Closed!

Thank you for all who attended!

Anti-Oppressive Child and Youth Care (CYC)

Presented by: Andrea Christensen

In this session, we will explore a crucial aspect of caregiving that encompasses fostering inclusive, equitable, and empowering environments for children and youth.

At its core, Anti-Oppressive Child and Youth Care challenges traditional power dynamics and systemic injustices that marginalize individuals based on factors such as race, gender, sexuality, ability, and socio-economic status. It seeks to create spaces where every young person feels valued, respected, and heard, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Throughout our discussion, we’ll explore practical approaches and strategies for implementing AOP principles in frontline CYC work. Join us as we embark on a journey towards fostering social justice oriented child and youth care!

Andrea (she/her) is a proud dog mum and auntie, passionate about social justice, loves hiking/biking/being outside and putting too much honey in her coffee. She is a Child and Youth Care instructor at Bow Valley College, a Certified Child and Youth Care Counsellor, with a Masters of Social Work in International and Community Development. 

June 19, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Register Closed!

Thank you for all who attended!

Expanding Hope

Presented by: Terra Centre

Young parents have unique needs, strengths, barriers, resources, and situations. Along with learning how to be a parent, many of them are exploring independence, finishing school or working full time, and learning to navigate healthy relationships. Expanding Hope is excited to present about the unique needs of pregnant and parenting young people in Alberta, particularly those who are under the age of 22. We’ll explore the impact of adolescent brain development on young parents and how professionals can best support these young families to thrive.

Expanding Hope is an initiative funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Services designed to meet the unique needs of young pregnant and parenting people across Alberta, particularly in areas of the province where specialized services may be limited. Expanding Hope is delivered through a partnership between the Terra Centre in Edmonton and Kindred in Calgary and serves young families, including: young pregnant or parenting people, age 21 and under; their children, typically ages 0 to 6; and the young person’s parent or caregiver, who are grandparents or act as significant carers to the child(ren). Expanding Hope also provides capacity-building and consultation to service providers in Alberta who support young parents.

July 24, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Register Now!

Registration closes May 22 at noon!

Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating: What is the difference and what role do we play?

Presented by: Michelle Briegel

Many young people have behaviours that are connected to food. As caregivers, what role do we have in enabling this and what role do we have in supporting wellness. Often, when we think we are helping we are actually doing harm. This session touches on unhealthy relationships with food and the responsibility of the caregiver. It is open to anyone who is interested, including parents and foster parents. CYCAA members are free.

Michelle is an Associate Professor at Mount Royal University in the Child Studies and Social Work Department; a certified child and youth care counsellor; and the mom (caregiver) of a child who had a serious eating disorder. Michelle shares personal and evidence based information in this session. Discuss and questions are welcome. 

These Lunch and Learns are provided free for CYCAA Members.  Members must log in to register.

Already a Member?

If you hold a current CYCAA membership, please login to be re-directed to the registration form.

Do you need to become a Member?

If you are not a Member you can create an account by clicking on the link below.

Membership Requirements and Benefits can be found here!

You asked, We delivered!

The Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta Lunch and Learn Program, is now available to individuals from other CYC Provincial Associations for a nominal fee.

This program is not limited to child and youth care counsellors, as anyone can participate by paying a small fee. The decision to expand the program to a wider audience was made in response to numerous requests from individuals outside of the association’s membership.


Other CYC Provincial Associations:

$10.00 per session

Individuals without membership:

$20.00 per session

CYCAA Lunch and Learns for Non-Members